ArVO Byurakan Public Tables


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TablenameInfoTable desc.Res desc.
dfbsplates.mainTable Info The First Byurakan Survey (FBS) is the largest and the first systematic objective prism survey of the extragalactic sky. It covers 17,000 sq.deg. in the Northern sky together with a high galactic latitudes region in the Southern sky. This service serves the scanned objective prism images and offers SODA-based cutouts. The First Byurakan Survey (FBS) is the largest and the first systematic objective prism survey of the extragalactic sky. It covers 17,000 sq.deg. in the Northern sky together with a high galactic latitudes region in the Southern sky. This service serves the scanned objective prism images and offers SODA-based cutouts.
dfbsspec.spectraTable InfoThis table contains basic metadata as well as the spectra from the Digital First Byurakan Survey (DFBS). The First Byurakan Survey (FBS) is the largest and the first systematic objective prism survey of the extragalactic sky. It covers 17,000 sq.deg. in the Northern sky together with a high galactic latitudes region in the Southern sky. The FBS has been carried out by B.E. Markarian, V.A. Lipovetski and J.A. Stepanian in 1965-1980 with the Byurakan Observatory 102/132/213 cm (40"/52"/84") Schmidt telescope using 1.5 deg. prism. Each FBS plate contains low-dispersion spectra of some 15,000-20,000 objects; the whole survey consists of about 20,000,000 objects.
dfbsspec.ssaTable InfoA view providing standard SSA metadata for DBFS metadata in dfbsspec.spectra The First Byurakan Survey (FBS) is the largest and the first systematic objective prism survey of the extragalactic sky. It covers 17,000 sq.deg. in the Northern sky together with a high galactic latitudes region in the Southern sky. The FBS has been carried out by B.E. Markarian, V.A. Lipovetski and J.A. Stepanian in 1965-1980 with the Byurakan Observatory 102/132/213 cm (40"/52"/84") Schmidt telescope using 1.5 deg. prism. Each FBS plate contains low-dispersion spectra of some 15,000-20,000 objects; the whole survey consists of about 20,000,000 objects.
ivoa.ObsCoreTable InfoThe IVOA-defined obscore table, containing generic metadata for datasets within this datacenter.Definition and support code for the ObsCore data model and table.
tap_schema.columnsTable InfoColumns in tables available for ADQL querying. Unnamed data center's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.groupsTable InfoColumns that are part of groups within tables available for ADQL querying. Unnamed data center's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.key_columnsTable InfoColumns participating in foreign key relationships between tables available for ADQL querying. Unnamed data center's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.keysTable InfoForeign key relationships between tables available for ADQL querying. Unnamed data center's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.schemasTable InfoSchemas containing tables available for ADQL querying. Unnamed data center's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.
tap_schema.tablesTable InfoTables available for ADQL querying. Unnamed data center's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service with table metadata.

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An overview over the tables available for ADQL querying within the ArVO Byurakan